

My name is Mika Juvela. I am an astronomer working at the University of Helsinki, Finland and these pages are related to my work. Please explore the topics listed in the menu on the left! You should be able to browse all pages using just the cursor keys.


Examples of recent research projects

The first picture shows synthetic dust continuum observations at 70µm, 160µm, and 500µm (blue, green, and red, respectively). These are based on magnetohydrodynamic simulations of supernova-driven turbulence (Padoan, Pan, Juvela, Haugbolle, Nordlund 2020, ApJ 900, 82) . The radiative transfer calculations are some of the largest to date, the model containing over 1.1 billion (1.1e9) volume elements. These have been made possible by our development of radiative transfer codes: Juvela 2018 and Juvela 2020 . There is also a short video of the model.


The second figure illustrates some other recent projects. These include observational studies (e.g. based on data from the Planck and Herschel satellites and the JCMT telescope) and more theoretical studies, often using synthetic observations of interstellar dust. See also the animated version .


Details can be found in my articles: search arXiv .